Help Molly to walk

A charity was picked for our three peaks challenge next month and as you can probably guess from the title of this post it’s to help a little girl known as Molly.


Molly has cerebral palsy, which causes the muscles in her legs to become tight and very painful. At the moment Molly is using a walker or a wheelchair to get around, but she has one single wish – to be able to walk without pain.

There is an operation available for Molly in the USA that will fulfill Molly’s wish, but she needs your help. The operation, travel and after care is quite expensive and costs around £60,000. You can help Molly’s dream become a reality. You can support her by donating to her just giving page.

Thank you for taking the time to read this and decide to donate to help Molly’s wish become a reality. I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Three Peak Challenge

On July 4th I will have the opportunity to take part in the three peak challenge with some friends from work. It has been in the planning stage for a while, so I didn’t really want to post about it until it’s all confirmed.

This is a huge opportunity for me to tick a couple of things off of my bucket list. I get to travel to Scotland, and I get to climb a mountain – three in fact!

The total round trip will be approximately 1360 miles, and we are doing it in my car!


We will use our place of work as the base for everyone meeting up, and from there we will continue forward on our journey up to Scotland. We have found an amazing location to stay and prepare ourselves for the first climb in Scotland.




I am really excited and pumped to be doing this challenge. It will be a real test of stamina and perseverance not only for me but the others in the group as well. The best thing is we are doing this to help raise some money for charity (one has yet to be picked), so if you would like to help then a page will be set up so you can donate if you wish to.

Throughout the entire journey I will be documenting it, but have yet to choose the method so others can view everything we are doing. At the end when we finally reach home I will collate everything and put it up on here for all to see.

Have you ever done the three peaks challenge? How did you find it? Is it something you would like to do again? Did you manage to complete all three peaks in under the 24 hours? If you didn’t what held you up?


I’ve never understood why in the commercial world there aren’t proper considerations for the enormous amount of waste packaging.

I bought some food today where the packaging was exceptionally large for what was inside, and this isn’t the first time I have come across this when buying something either online or from the shops.

Take the below bit of meat as an example.


All of that meat fit into roughly one-third the size of the original packaging. I understand that no one wants to see all their meat bunched up as it’s not “aesthetically pleasing”, but should that matter in the modern-day world? It shouldn’t, but evidently it does.

Amazon is a huge culprit of oversized packaging. Take this chap who posted a photo on Reddit of his recent purchase of batteries (yes you read that right – batteries) from amazon.

bIPf0umThis happened to me when I ordered something from Amazon a couple of years back. It’s all good and well getting a customers product to them in a safe condition, but at some point the company have to realise what they’re doing is causing huge amounts of waste even if it is recyclable. Does it really need that much packaging?

What are your thoughts on the subject? How many everyday objects do you buy that are covered in excessive packaging? Do you think its acceptable?


The bucket list – Is there any point?

Is there any point in a bucket list these days? Of course there is! We’re not all immortal gods and have unlimited wealth, so some of us mere mortals have to plan for the future and do things to make us feel good before we die.

I have compiled my bucket list below in no particular order. For now there shall only be a few things, but over time the list shall grow and accomplishments shall be ticked off. I hope to do all of them before I die.

bucket list

  1. Reach the peak of a mountain – Mount Snowdon – 05/07/2015
  2. Go sky diving
  3. Fly in an aeroplane – I flew to Switzerland on the 11/11/2015 – Take offLanding
  4. Fly in a helicopter
  5. Travel to Scotland – Attempted the National Three Peak Challenge – 02/07/2015
  6. Travel to Italy
  7. Visit the Colosseum
  8. Visit the Leaning Tower of Pisa
  9. Visit Vatican City
  10. Travel to France
  11. Travel to Iceland
  12. Visit the Blue Lagoon
  13. Travel to Switzerland – I travelled to Geneva to visit C.E.R.N. 11/11/2015
  14. Visit C.E.R.N. – I visited C.E.R.N. on 11/11/2015
  15. Travel to The Netherlands
  16. Travel to Norway
  17. Get my motorcycle licence – Got this on 29 July 2022
  18. Own a motorcycle – Picked this up on 20 December 2022
  19. Drive a super car
  20. Own a house – Bought a two bed flat in July 2017
  21. Walk my daughter down the aisle
  22. Hold my grandchild
  23. See the human race reach Mars
  24. Go to Disney World / Land
  25. Weigh 90 Kg or less
  26. Quit smoking
  27. Learn an instrument
  28. Go scuba diving
  29. See the Great Pyramids in Egypt
  30. Do something for charity – Raised £500 for Charity for the National Three Peak Challenge – 02/07/2015
  31. Visit the Eiffel Tower
  32. Visit the Louvre
  33. Travel to the USA
  34. Visit the Smithsonian
  35. Visit the Lincoln Memorial
  36. Visit the Statue of Liberty
  37. Visit and or tour the White House
  38. Celebrate New Year in Time Square
  39. Own a real meteorite
  40. See an active volcano in person
  41. Witness the aurora borealis
  42. Witness the aurora australis
  43. Go water rafting
  44. Eat sushi– Took my Mum for lunch on 28th September 2016
  45. Try LSD
  46. Go to a concert at the O2
  47. Travel to Peru
  48. Visit Machu Picchu
  49. Hike the Valley of the Incas
  50. Travel to Australia
  51. Visit the Great Barrier Reef
  52. Swim with turtles
  53. See an orchestral performance in the Sydney Opera House
  54. Live near my children so I can see them daily
  55. Go to Alton Towers – I went there for the weekend with Ryan – 25/03/2016
  56. Own my car outright – Paid the final payment on 10th September 2015
  57. Go bungee jumping
  58. Get tattoo sleeves
  59. Go on a ride in a hot air balloon
  60. Learn to use chopsticks
  61. Eat an entire meal with chopsticks
  62. Complete a food challenge – Completed the 32oz Steak Challenge at Flaming Grill – 08/02/2016
  63. Get my tongue pierced again
  64. Summit Ben Nevis
  65. Summit Scafell Pike – completed this with my sister in 2001
  66. Learn how to dance the Tango
  67. Tour the ancient ruins in Greece
  68. Go Zorbing
  69. Take my son camping in the Highlands
  70. Blow glass
  71. Work on a pottery wheel
  72. Read a whole novel
  73. Visit Madame Tussauds
  74. See Swan Lake
  75. Visit a castle
  76. Sleep in a castle
  77. Write a recipe book
  78. Learn the alphabet in sign language
  79. Go rock climbing
  80. Take an archery lesson

Last updated 18/01/2023

Top Gear – My thoughts

You should all know what’s been happening with Top Gear by now, and if you don’t then you’ve been living under a rock! It’s been all over the news, in the papers, and all over social media!

As the main incident has now been dealt with by the BBC (the “firing” of Jeremy Clarkson) I thought I would give my two pennies on the whole situation.

I would have to agree with the decision of the BBC to “sack” Jeremy over what he did. It wasn’t professional and nor was it the right thing to do, and it was over something so stupid, however in saying this it is a sad thing that he will no longer be part of Top Gear.

Fortunately there are rumours floating around stating that all three of the boys (Clarkson, May and Hammond) will have another show not on the BBC but on Sky 1 under the name Top Speed. How true this rumour is for sure I can’t say, but if the rumour does come to fruition I will be most happy that the show is not going to die with the BBC, as I’m sure many of its fans will also be.

Top Gear Cast

Image credit:

What are your thoughts on the subject? Do you think it should of been handled differently? Leave a comment below with your thoughts.

A fresh new start

It’s never too late for a new start, and I felt my website needed one. Not much will change, in terms of how it looks, but there is significant change behind the scene.If today you want to start the change in you and your image, testosterone boosters are a great start to help enhance your physical performance, boost energy and strength, and improve overall health and wellness.

I know I have said this before and I will probably say it again and again, but I will try to at least keep this up to date with a minimum of one post per week on a random topic. Just to try to keep things fresh and to accommodate all types of audience. Discipline and strength go hand in hand. Strength is a direct result of disciplined and consistent effort. Male enhancement pills are not a substitute for a healthy lifestyle and balanced diet, but they can help to enhance your physical performance and libido by naturally increasing testosterone production in the body. The best habits for weight loss are eating a balanced diet, exercising regularly, tracking your calorie intake, drinking plenty of water, getting enough sleep, and minimizing stress. Accompanied with the best weight loss pills, you will look like a Greek God, brought from Olympus itself.

Are you struggling to lose weight no matter how much you diet or exercise? I recommend you to try to use a supplement call alpilean , it is a weight loss dietary supplements that comes in the form of capsules that help to increase and maintain the inner body temperature within the normal range.

Every journey begins with a single step. Starting a new diet and supplement routine is no different. Set realistic goals and create an achievable plan. Start small and work your way up to bigger changes. Focus on what you can do and give yourself credit for reaching your goals. Take a walk and check out the red boost reviews people have left. The bottle of concentration pills was the beginning of something new. I was excited to try them out and see if they would help me focus throughout the day. After some trial and error, I was starting to feel like myself again. These tiny pills had such a big impact and I was grateful for the newfound energy and focus that I never thought was possible. If you know what I mean, you have also tried the best Adderall alternatives.

While I add content back to my website you should feel free to comment on this post with some topic ideas that you would like me to cover for you. It doesn’t particularly matter what topic you pick, as I will try my best to cover that subject. The topics I would find easiest to cover are listed below in no particular order. But honestly the most important one is gonna be the financial advice cause your money matters and is the number one thing in the world to have a healthy life. I used a roth ira calculator for my financial planning, honestly I recommend you do too cause it was super valuable and what my accountant recommended.

  • Photography
  • Mobile phones
  • Travelling
  • Gaming – PC or Console
  • Technology
  • Breaking news – my opinions
  • Financial advice – w
  • Movies
  • Cinema
  • DVD
  • Software
  • Cooking
  • Family
  • Everyday life

There may very well be other random subjects that I’ll talk about, but these are all the ones I can think of right this second.

For now though you can enjoy a lovely photo of when I went to the Eden Project.

The Eden Project