iOS 9.0.1 Stupid Bugs

Since upgrading my iPhone to iOS 9 I have come across two annoying bugs. One is simply a visual bug where it will not display the mark as read button on the email notification that comes up when ever I get an email.

I have noticed both on the banner and lock screen.


As I said it’s nothing major but it is rather annoying.

Another bug I have noticed since upgrading is something that everyone else seems to be talking about – Wifi issues! Every now and then my WiFi connection just randomly disconnects. It seems to be intermittent when it happens and can be quite frustrating. I have however found some simple to follow guides from Redmond Pie that will help anyone else suffering with the same issue as myself.

Aside from the two bugs above,  I haven’t found anything else wrong with it thankfully, and lets hope it stays that way!

It’s hard!

Two weeks! Thats right. It’s been over two weeks since my last cigarette. I’m bloody happy with that, and I intend to carry on.

I’m slowly reducing my nicotine intake with each purchase of the e-liquids. I started on 18mg and I’m currently down to 12mg. I will be buying some more e-liquids early next week, and again will be reducing down to 6mg in the triple menthol flavour I like.

Hopefully within the next couple of weeks I shall be completely off of the e-cigarette. What a bonus that will be!