CSCS Certificate

It’s now the 7th of May and at 11am this morning I had my CSCS test, and as I had hoped I passed my test. This is great news for me as it opens up so many doors for me within the company.

Now that I have my CSCS certificate I will be arranging with my supervisor’s permission and assistance days out with the crews and inspectors, at least that’s the goal any way.


Within the next 18 – 24 months I would like to start moving my career towards becoming an inspector on the roads, so learning how the MRT’s and the inspectors do their jobs will be very handy when a position does become available, but as we are nearing the end of the contract with Highways England I don’t know how this will turn out. Either way, the experience I have currently should allow me to get a job somewhere else if all goes to pot for the rebid next month.

Three Peak Challenge

On July 4th I will have the opportunity to take part in the three peak challenge with some friends from work. It has been in the planning stage for a while, so I didn’t really want to post about it until it’s all confirmed.

This is a huge opportunity for me to tick a couple of things off of my bucket list. I get to travel to Scotland, and I get to climb a mountain – three in fact!

The total round trip will be approximately 1360 miles, and we are doing it in my car!


We will use our place of work as the base for everyone meeting up, and from there we will continue forward on our journey up to Scotland. We have found an amazing location to stay and prepare ourselves for the first climb in Scotland.




I am really excited and pumped to be doing this challenge. It will be a real test of stamina and perseverance not only for me but the others in the group as well. The best thing is we are doing this to help raise some money for charity (one has yet to be picked), so if you would like to help then a page will be set up so you can donate if you wish to.

Throughout the entire journey I will be documenting it, but have yet to choose the method so others can view everything we are doing. At the end when we finally reach home I will collate everything and put it up on here for all to see.

Have you ever done the three peaks challenge? How did you find it? Is it something you would like to do again? Did you manage to complete all three peaks in under the 24 hours? If you didn’t what held you up?

Construction Skills Certification Scheme

Finally things at work are moving forward a bit. Last week I went to a meeting to help evaluate one of the depots that the Maintenance Response Team work out of, and afterwards I was invited down to the depot to meet the guys and see how things are done from their perspective.

While having the invite is good, as I get to meet the guys I wouldn’t really be allowed to do anything with them unless I had a certificate to say I was aware of Health & Safety regulations. Thankfully three of us have been put forward to get our CSCS (Construction Skills Certification Scheme) cards, which allows us on site while they are working and to pitch in to experience what they do and how they work.

I have my test on the 7th May, and have been given the go ahead to go down to the depot on the 14th May. I have to say that I am quite excited to get out with the guys on the roads.

In the mean time I will be revising for my test, so I can definitely get to go out with the guys on the roads!


I love my job, but I also like variety. I wonder if I can have the best of both worlds?