Call of Duty – Advanced Warfare

I have had my Playstation 4 for around 6 months now and I believe I have adapted to console gaming quite well. When I first had a console it was in the year of Sonic the Hedgehog, Mario, Alex The Kidd, Street Fighter and Coolspot. Console gaming has advanced to the level of PC gaming now, so I thought it was about time I had my turn with it.

When I first started playing games properly I was a dedicated PC gamer, but it’s an expensive hobby to keep all my equipment up to date, and I just don’t have the time or money to do that now. Now days I don’t have the time to spend hours and hours playing, so it’s a just a once in a while thing, and with console gaming, you don’t need to update any hardware yet you can still play all the latest games unlike with a PC

You can see how far I have progressed with my console gaming from the two videos below.

The video below is from October 2014. It shows one of the better runs I had at the time. It’s still quite crap though.

Now compare it to how I play now. As you can see from the video below there is quite a difference. Not only in play style, but in technique and ability too.

I’d have to say that I’m quite proud of myself from going from a PC gamer to being able to play on a console. It’s quite a dramatic change.

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